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Eco-center Foundation & Water Utilities $300,000.
Naming rights -Your family, foundation, or business name
Example: The John Jones Eco-center
OR Multiple donors via a plaque
Greenhouse - Equipped $150,000.
Naming rights – one family, foundation, or business name
OR Multiple Donors via a plaque
Kitchen of Nutrition $75,000.
Naming rights – one family, foundation, or business name
OR Multiple Donors via a plaque
Eco-theater - Venue for all forms of enviro-education $75,000.
that opens wide to the gardens
Naming rights – one family, foundation, or business name
OR Multiple donors via a plaque
Harvest Room (essential storage) $50,000.
Naming rights – one family, foundation, or business name
OR Multiple donors via a plaque
Educational Resource Station & Office $75,000.
Naming rights – one family, foundation, or business name
OR Multiple donors via a plaque
Pavilion – Attached Outdoor Classroom $25,000.
Naming rights – one family, foundation, or business name
OR Multiple donors via a plaque
Ornamental Fencing & Gates $50,000.
Honor your family, foundation, or business name
OR Multiple donors via a plaque
Looped Primary Pathways
- Through the Play Gardens $20,000.
- Through the Food Gardens $20,000.
Grapevine Pergola & Patio $25,000.
Naming rights – one family, foundation, or business
OR Multiple donors via a plaque
_____________________________________________________________________________Meadow Walk & Arbor $15,000.
Naming rights – one family, foundation, or business
OR Multiple donors via a plaque
Meadow Walk Retaining Wall $20,000.
Honor your family, foundation, or business name
-Outdoor recognition station OR plaque
Garden Seat Walls $10,000.
Honor your family, foundation, or business name
-Outdoor recognition station OR plaque
Sheds (2)
Honor your family or business name
-Outdoor recognition station OR plaque on shed
-Tool shed $ 7,000.
-Supply shed $ 7,000.
Additional sponsorship opportunities for Project Outdoor Learning will be available at a later date and will include the nature playscape settings, the food beds, trees, etc.
EFT and Credit/Debit card donations can be made here:
DAF Direct donations can be made here:
This form can be printed (right click > print) and mailed. Checks should be made payable to:
The Elizabeth Conservancy, PO Box 6901, Elizabeth, New Jersey 07206
Be sure to add a check mark in the box next to the room you would like to sponsor.
Name of Sponsor ____________________________________________________________
Address of Sponsor __________________________________________________________
Email of Sponsor ____________________________________________________________
Name(s) for public recognition (your name, business name, and/or honoree as applicable)
Check here if you wish to remain anonymous/unrecognized.
Inquiries: Please email